Sunday, December 6, 2015

14. The last lecture and second exam

Hi you all! So this was the second last week! Soon it will be over. Good or bad? I think both. This have been a very great course which have both educated and entertained. I have learned about digital and content marketing, gotten inspired many times and best of all, I have had an awesome time together with my team and other people involved!

But back to business.. So on Monday we had our last lectures. The first one was held of Mika Aittamäki. I really liked this lecture as the subject was selling in the digital break trough. The first thing he told us was that people like to call the digital break trough a "tsunami". A tsunami all though is a great wave, but eventually it will pull back. In his opinion, and I totally agree, the digital break trough is any way more like a more constant rising of the water. It will not pull out.

Mika Aittamäki
Nowadays the customer has the power. The marketer has to stay focused on the consumers all the time. It is so easy to find information, better offers and better products every where and all the time. But an important thing is to remember always that there's a human behind the internet. Always, no matter what.

What captured my attention the most, was this line "Kone välittää informaatiota, ihminen välittää ihmisestä", a machine provides information, a human cares for a human. So much better in finish ;)

It's also important to know the difference between a traditional seller and a digital seller. If you're an awesome traditional seller, selling face to face, it doesn't mean that you're a great customer servant in digital. In the digital world the written skill is much more important than the social face to face ability.
Lecture selfie!
Aittamäki had some super points of views. After him Nikalas Litmala told us about Leijona Academy, and the lectures they provide free for students in Helsinki.

And then the last lecture this fall! Wow, time flies.. Our mentor Ilkka Kurkela held again an inspirational lecture about digital humanism. Aristotle said that there is three things that effect a human mind: Ethos, Pathos and Logos. Rational, emotional and ethical appeal. Ilkka combined the rhetorics & modern marketing. The comparable appeals in modern marketing is spirit mind and heart.

Ilkka Kurkela
Ilkka's life advice
Mira filming :)
On Thursday we had the second exam. It was okay, let's see what the teachers think :)

The funniest thing in this ending of the course is the videos we are making, one that's our final presentation video (it's so awesome!) and then a short introducing video of the course. The videos length should be about 15 seconds, and as it turns out it seems to be a hundred times more difficult to make such a short video... Which clips to use.. How to make it dynamic.. But I'm sure we're going to find it out!

Martta before I got her :)
Hey! Happy last course week everybody ;) 

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